Image 1
The construction of a new steam
pipe trench for a new heating system
to be installed by others. The area
was backfilled and landscaped.
pipe trench for a new heating system
to be installed by others. The area
was backfilled and landscaped.

Image 2
The construction of a new lift
shaft, base and floor slab for a
pharmaceutical company. This
shows the re-bar preparation
works for concreting.
shaft, base and floor slab for a
pharmaceutical company. This
shows the re-bar preparation
works for concreting.

Image 3
The construction of a new floor
slab at concreted stage for a
pharmaceutical companies mezz
level floor.

Image 4
Construction of a new 400mm
thick heavy duty sprinkler tank
base. Incorporating 72 driven
piles to a depth of 11m and all
associated re-bar.